Saturday, November 27, 2010


So I have a cooking blog...I must be a good cook. I'm okay, some might even say pretty good. So if I'm not this great, fancy cook why do I think I can write a good cooking blog? Because I experiment. Don't be afraid of it! So you ruin a piece of chicken and a few vegetables making a dish that didn't work. What did you lose? A dollar...maybe two? So what? You think of a flavor combination for a protein shake that might be good. Try it out! Doesn't taste good? Pour it down the drain and make another one! That's how you become a good cook or a "mixologist". Really! Today for lunch I had an idea for a new chicken dish so I defrosted a boneless, skinless thigh. I sliced a carrot and half an onion. I placed the veggies on the bottom of one of my stoneware baking dishes then put the chicken on top. Sprinkled seasoning, put it in the microwave (I love how you can microwave chicken in stoneware baking dishes). Well apparently I thought it would take longer (10 minutes) than it actually did. I totally killed that chicken! I had a hard time cutting a piece off with a steak knife! I chewed on that piece of chicken and had to spit it out! It tasted good but I knew it would get soooo stuck in my pouch! LOL! But I'll try it again until I get the timing right then I'll post it on here. That's how you get to be a good cook! Experiment! Come can do it!

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