Thursday, June 16, 2011

Broiled Swordfish by Chef Rick Moonen

As soon as I got Chef Moonen's cookbook, Fish Without a Doubt, I had to try something. Right away! As in that night! I found this recipe on page 127 and thought it sounded really good. Swordfish is a little expensive here, so I substituted some cod loins since they would be nice and thick like swordfish steaks. As soon as we all took our first bites there were three sets of eyes rolling back in our heads in pure ecstasy. Such a simple recipe but so incredibly delicious. Chef Moonen gives credit to his mother for the recipe; he grew up eating this. If this was my recipe, I'd be taking full credit! My thanks to Chef Moonen for giving me permission to share this recipe with you.

Broiled Swordfish (Cod)
Used with Permission

4 (6 to 7 ounce) pieces swordfish steak (cod loins)
Course salt
Paprika (hot, sweet, smoked - it's up to you)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter

Set a (oiled) cast-iron griddle (flat, no ridges) on the top oven rack and heat the broiler.

Meanwhile, season the swordfish on both sides with salt and sprinkle one side with an even coating of paprika. Dot the fish with the butter.

When the griddle is searingly hot (about 15 minutes), set the swordfish on it, paprika side up, and broil until just cooked through, about 5 1/2 minutes. Serve hot.

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